Monday, May 11, 2009

Anna and Gloria

My sister just sent this picture to me from this past winter. I thought it was actually decent and so I share it here. Kevin's birthday was on May 2nd and turned out to be a good day with Gloria and my in-laws. Mother's day, however, was a different story. I didn't think that it would effect me the way that it did. I worked most of the day and had a lot of really nice people in the store. There were lots of family's out taking their mom's and grandmom's to brunch. Also, there were a lot of moms in the store getting something nice for themselves. I thought that was pretty cool too. I really missed having Kevin to enjoy the day with me. I can't even really describe it, other than a sort of quietness that took over me. Today, while at work, I actually started crying. I didn't even really know why, other than I needed to. This seems to be the only thing sure about the grieving process, that nothing is for sure. I try to take it as it comes. Gloria actually fell asleep in her bed last night (which almost never happens) and I went and got her because I missed her. Go figure!

This week also brought my old friend Sarah back to Illinois. She had been living in Colorado for the past 6 years or so and is now back at home working and going to school. She has a daughter, Anna, who is 2 months younger than Gloria. The two of them were best friends from the beginning. I will attach some pictures of the two sweeties playing together.

So, life continues to be awkward at times, both beautiful and terrifying. However, I continue to plod along and try to keep my head up.

1 comment:

boog said...

What a cutie!!! I mean you last winter.