Monday, July 21, 2008

My Footprint

We each are afforded our time to make a mark on this earth, a footprint, if you will. My footprint has not meant much to me. There is this part of me that likes to believe I am significant, that something I say or do will matter even after I am gone. I know that there is the age-old cliche of children as your legacy, or politics, or even literature. Somehow, I know that even these things are a small blip on the radar of existence. So, does life mean everything or does it mean nothing? Do we matter, or is it all some meaningless game? Well, I like to fall on the side of meaning and significance. I know that the love I feel for the people in my life and for life itself is does not, or can not, mean nothing. So I trudge forward blindly believing in the good of life and people. It is my own way of spitting in the face of major adversity. I may be broken, but I will definitely go down swinging.

A funny note from Family Guy for the day:

BRIAN: "Who buys a gag fire extinguisher?"

PETER: "I'll tell you who! Someone who cares enough about physical comedy to put his life and the lives of his whole family at risk."

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