Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Izz-adorable Henry!

Yesterday my brother Dan and I were discussing the joy of cats. I had told him I considered getting a dog since I will be living on my own. I love my kitty, Izzy, but she is like me, less than fierce. Dan and I have many similar ways of thinking about things, so I knew he would be a good consultant. His take on the whole idea was quite insightful:

"Dogs are like having another child. You need to watch how much you feed them, keep them from getting into things that can hurt them, bath them, and take them out for exercise and the bathroom. Cats are more like that cool friend you hang out with, your drinking buddy. They are around to be social and play with, but they mostly take care of themselves. Every once in awhile you may need to clean their puke up, but that's a small price to pay in comparison."

So, my older brother proves to be wise once again. Oh, I cannot wait to have my freaky littly Izzy kitty back!

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