Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Existential Squirm"

Well, today I got the good news that I got a raise at work. While it is a small thing, it still confirms to me the whole "albatross theory." I have been having some great conversations lately with my friend Jenny. It has filled this part of me that longs to feel needed and like I matter. We decided that we want to be strong without being bitter. She pointed out that it isn't that we have better or worse luck than other people, it's just that we pay close attention to the good things, big and small, that bless our lives.

Truthfully, I do miss Jay. There is a part of me that is at peace with the whole thing, like it was just not meant to be. It was so nice to find someone who got my humor and seemed to like to do similar things. There is a sadness that comes from being alone again, just stumbling through life without someone to reflect upon it with. Still, it is a massive waste of time if it doesn't fulfill me. I like to think that I take my time, and that I am smart about who I give my heart to. The problem is, I seem to jump right in and throw my heart in for good measure. I am nothing, if not passionate.

On a final note, I am calling all angels who are able and willing to help me with this house. I am thankful for prayers and moral support as well!

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