Friday, June 27, 2008

Colorado: Day Two

I am enjoying my time in Colorado immensely. Today we went into Denver for my cousin Taylor's honors band concert. It was quite hot out and I even got a little sunburn on my shoulders, which hasn't happened in years. After the concert my sister and I made a break for Starbucks so she could have a cigarette and I could call my sweetheart. In some ways, staying with my aunt makes me feel like a child again, but not in a bad way. We had homemade chicken salad for lunch and just laughed about everything.

Gloria and I spent the remainder of the afternoon just hanging around the homestead, exploring all of the plants, animals and rocks of Sedalia, Colorado. Gloria is fascinated with the rooster, who coincidentally woke us at the crack of dawn this morning. My sister is actually sleeping right by the window that they hang around. She said the rooster didn't bother her, but she could also sleep through a tornado.

Here are a few pictures of us, with more sure to come later today.

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