Thursday, June 26, 2008

Arrived in Colorado

I arrived in beautiful Colorado today! My mom and dad drove us to O’hare airport, which was really wonderful of them. Gloria was great on the plane; she spent most of the flight on Aunt Laura’s lap, where she eventually fell fast asleep. Once in Colorado we got our rental car and, believe it or not, I drove the hour to my aunt and uncle’s house. The countryside is beautiful and the traffic is practically non-existent. I was very proud of myself for driving, since I am generally a chicken about everything. To make myself sound even more daring, I rode on an ATV with my young cousins Will and Garrett. I know that they were easy on me, yet I still feel very proud.
Gloria is already making herself quite at home here. She loves to be outside and discovered the joy of a giant trampoline. The pictures will be coming shortly, which show her hair spread out to the sky with massive static electricity.

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