Thursday, January 31, 2008


Hilarious T-Mobile Commercial Part 1

Hilarious T-Mobile Commercial Part 2

There is a new commercial for T-Mobile with a guy leaving a phone message for a girl after their first date. This is my new favorite commercial! I think my favorite line is when he explains that he has an extra sweat gland. That sounds about like something that I would say on someone's answering machine.

Today's magical snowstorm seemed to swallow me up into the strange state of mind that blanketed whoever I was before the storm. There was something to being in a warm, dark home snuggled in while the world, the crazy world just floated by on tiny beautiful specks of white. I know it sounds over-dramatic, but I just like the elements: snowstorms, thunderstorms, and really windy days. I have heard a lot of grumblings but, hey, January in Chicago is bound to be cold and gray, the snow is just a bonus.

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