Saturday, January 5, 2008

Longing for Thunderstorms (or should I say yearning?)

Let me start with the fact that Sarah McGloughlin has fueled my hatred of the word "yearning." I know that it is a different way of expressing longing, however it is a generally unpleasant sounding word. On to more relevant matters: I was watching a very cheesy Lifetime movie today and they had a scene with a thunderstorm in the background. It made me pine for a thunderstorm. I have to say. as much as I am reveling in the briskness of winter, thinking about thunderstorms does make me want Spring to arrive in a timely manner. Still, I love the snow, the cold air, dressing in layers, snuggling into my down comforter at night, and having a cheery fire in the fireplace on special nights. Oh, I am definitely a snowbunny kind of girl.

Well, this is quick break in between the craziness of getting ready for tonight. Gloria had a really long bath this morning and smells fresh as a daisy now. A good bonus of the long bath is that she is now snoozing peacefully at my side. Yeah for naps! I am currently working on a list of top favorites of everything. I was thinking about it the other day and decided that perhaps I should actually write down what my favorite things are now, then in 50 years I can come back and see how they measure up to the test of time. I guess I could just wait 25 years, it all just seems the same to me these days.

I am still missing Kevin every day. I finally was able to pick a nice picture of him to put in a frame ornament on my Christmas tree. I can't help but think of how much fun he would be having with our little Gloria. I like to show her off to Jesse and Susan, because I know that Kevin would be so proud of her. Oh, how I miss my honey!

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