Friday, January 4, 2008

Oh that Uncle Bobby!

As you can tell, Uncle Bobby is a favorite with my Lil G. She likes to get really close to his face and whisper, "Bobby," so that he will tickle her. So cute! He and Adam go back to school this weekend and I know that Gloria is going to miss them both. This morning I was totally worn out by Gloria and spacing out, so my dad offered to take Gloria and let me sleep for another hour. Apparently, my dad played dollies with Gloria for awhile and then he had to get ready for a lunchdate with his siblings so he handed her off to Adam, who played house with her in her new kitchen set. I have to say that I am enjoying seeing this side of my dad and brothers.
Speaking of which, my brother Dan is well on his way to fatherhood. Liz is due on May 18th and has her own adorable bump now. We went to Babies "R" Us on Wednesday so she could start the registration process. It was really fun to talk about baby stuff - but it was also somewhat surreal. It seems like it was so recent that Kevin and I were registering for baby things and talking about the future. The radio overhead at Babies "R" Us was playing a strange assortment of depressing music - lucky for me "How to Save a Life" by the Fray came on and sent me weeping into the bathroom. After having a good cry and rinsing my face with cold water I felt a lot better. I was able to walk out into the store and get on with life. So, although I still have breakdowns in 2008, I am learning how to recover a little more quickly.
I have been talking every night with Bud, having fun and laughing. He is off snowboarding this weekend with his neighbor and friends, so I probably won't hear from him until he gets back. It is strange how quickly you can get used to having someone to talk to. All around he seems to be a wonderful person, full of depth and sincerity that I have not often seen. He says that he wants to be a part of my life and Glorias always, to tell stories about Kevin and to be a support. I must say he is a true sweetheart.
This weekend Gloria and I are celebrating with the Henrys. Jesse and Susan are coming from Wisconsin and we are all going to Domo 77 for dinner. Then we are going to the Henrys house to open Christmas presents and celebrate Linda's birthday and Jesse's birthday. Hopefully it will be great fun. I will be sure to keep you all posted!

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