Sunday, January 6, 2008

Birthday Party Extraordinare!

Here are some delightful pictures from my evening with the Henrys celebrating Christmas with Jesse and Susan, my mother-in-law's birthday and Jesse's birthday. We went to Domo 77 for dinner and Gloria was completely enamored with the chef. Of course, her favorite part was when he lit the onion tower on fire. She is most likely a little pyro just waiting to learn how to start fires. We then went home for blueberry martini's and presents. Jesse was the bartender and I was the camera person (well, my father-in-law also took over the camera at times). We had a fun time making jokes, singing, and enjoying Gloria walking around chattering to herself. Jesse and Susan got me a really cool wireless bike odometer. It tracks time, distance, speed and other things. I have wanted one for a long time. Kevin had one on his old bike, which was stolen from our condo, and we didn't get around to getting him a new one for his new bike. I really love bike riding and it is one more thing that makes me look forward to spring.
I must say that the evening went pretty well. I am a lightweight when it comes to drinking, so after a glass of wine and one martini I started tapering down and drinking ginger ale. I was in bed by 11:00 but woke up feeling a little sick at around 3:00. So, I got up and ate a piece of toast, an apple and a bottle of water. I took some Aleve and when I woke up in the morning I felt ok. So, I am glad that I didn't end up feeling sick and hung over all day today.
Yesterday I got to spend some time with Booger, which was really nice. She is so sweet and helped me with Lil G when I had to get ready to go. We had a quick cup of tea and discussed really important topics, like the Pottery Barn Kids catalog and poking fun at each other's cars. She thinks the new Buick is a grandma car (which is true, I'll admit) and her car is a "nerdy girl's car" (her words). Personally, I feel like a grandma so it is fine to drive in a car like one. Not to mention, I love Buicks with a very strong passion.
All right, I need to get cracking and finish picking up my bedroom. I am really looking forward to this week because I don't have anything hectic or big planned! Yeah, I can't wait to get back to the gym every day and just have some time alone with Gloria. Hoo-ha!

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