Monday, November 8, 2010

It's All Part of the Process

It is always amazing to me how the act of reading changes the process of writing. I have honestly not read a novel in a long time, sticking to non-fiction and focused on my own trivial journaling. I broke this trend primarily because I caught a nasty flu and had extra laying around time because of it. I read the book Atonement by Ian McEwan and thought it was a brilliant story. I won't go into details, except that it made me examine my own place as a "writer" of sorts and it inspired me to want to write with purpose again. On that note, I have begun working on a story that has been in my mind for years. Something that has been working it's way out of my mind and down, through my heart and hopefully out my fingers . . . More on that later!
I am still on the countdown to my 30th. The biggest surprise for me is that I am truly not looking to have a big drunken party. Last year I was all about going out, singing karaoke, drinking stiff drinks and living it up with good friends. This year I really and truly feel like a nice dinner out with family is the way to go. I am also planning on going into the city with one my longest friends, Jenny, next Saturday. She has already made plans for steak, which means the night is guaranteed to be awesome. She truly made me smile when she said she was contemplating what would be special for my birthday, and she realized that undoubtably Michelle+rare steak = Nirvana. Ray actually figured this out about me early on too. What can I say? I am easy to please!

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