Saturday, September 25, 2010


I haven't really had a chance to write much about our recent trip to Arkansas. This was my first time going to Arkansas and kind of a big step in my relationship with Ray. When I met Ray all he talked about was wanting to move to Arkansas. It has been a longtime dream of his that he was planning on making a reality within the next year. It was a big part of why he was hesitant to start truly dating me in the first place. So, for me to go out there with him and see the land, meet his father and other family, and experience the roots of his dream firsthand was pretty cool. I can see why he fell in love with Mountain Home. It is a small community filled with lakes, open sky, mountains, hills, creeks, and wildlife. It is breathtaking to gaze at the sky full of stars without any light pollution to compete with.
Of course, meeting his family was just as exciting as seeing the land. Meeting Ray Senior made it clear where Ray gets some of his wit intelligence, humor and charm from. Ray, Sr. has his own business repairing screens, which may sound like a niche market but it is actually a booming business. I also got to meet his half brother, Steven, and his fiance. I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with them and look forward to future trips :-) I also got to spend some time with his Uncle David, a kind, funny and very musical person. I referred to him as our Arkansas Sherpa because he knew every bit of land and lake out there. He was always giving history or telling us about other little place's off the beaten path.
Best of all, I got to spend more time with Ray's immediate family - his sisters and their significant others. His sister Katy and I got to spend a lot of time together because we are two insomniacs. Katy's husband, Todd, was Gloria's favorite buddy for the trip. He played guitar with her, walked dogs with her, drove the pontoon boat with her, and on and on. He was such a great sport and seemed to enjoy her as much as she enjoyed him. No one knows why, but she calls him "Spider." It is pretty adorable.
I have now officially met the Pace clan (for the most part) and I like them all a lot. Things continue to get better and better with Ray, and I couldn't be happier about that. We are discovering more each day the way that we fit together, and it seems to be a very good match. So, we continue our slow metamorphosis. . .

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