Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Getting the ball rolling . . .

I really need to get into better shape. I am as human as they come, vacillating back and forth between eating healthy, working out and taking care of myself and then letting it all fall by the wayside. The wayside has been where you could find me lately but I am renewing my commitment to feel better. My fibromyalgia and depression have been particularly challenging lately so I think it is a big reminder that I need to take care of myself. I tend to get overwhelmed by life and just shut down. It is both frustrating and de-moralizing. I finally got off my butt this morning and went to the gym for the first time in a month. I only spent a half an hour on the treadmill at a fast walk, but it is better than nothing. I have to go get ready for work but felt like I would write a quick blurb to keep my momentum going!

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