Saturday, April 18, 2009

Brought to you by the letter "R"

I know it has been some time since I have posted anything. It is partially because life has been quite hectic and partially because I haven't really known how to phrase what I have been thinking and feeling. Spring is a strange time of year for me. It brings an innate sense of energy and renewed joy at the signs of life sprouting up all over, and yet it brings a deep sadness. I feel like I am pulled between wanting to be active and social, and wanting to pull in and curl up in some corner until it's all over. In particular, I find it striking when I don't feel like I have words. I actually threw out my journal from the past year, which has only happened once before. Even in the worst of times I value what I have reflected upon, but this past year has felt like one big mis-step. It is sort of like the song for Sponge Bob Square Pants when he says, "Drop on the deck and flop like a fish." That is pretty much what I have been doing the mental equivalent of for a while here. That is probably why I find myself quoting Sponge Bob Square Pants. So, here's to writing again even if it is ridiculous and trying to get back into the things that I love, like running, reading, writing, and the letter R.


Jenny Jakubiak Cook said...

I love that you find depth & meaning in Sponge Bob Squarepants. Now I am for certain that we are best friends.

michelle said...

You love running?

Unknown said...

Yes, I do love running! I have been running a few times a week lately! I'm not fast but I do enjoy it!