Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today I taught my second cooking class, Simple Soups. It was a great success (in my opinion). I really enjoyed teaching and felt fairly relaxed during the whole thing. The first class I taught I felt as though I spoke really fast and I finished in half an hour. Today I talked for the full hour, showed them how to make Potato Leek soup from scratch and the yummy chicken Thai soup starter from W.S. I had never made anything with leeks before this week, and now I feel like I can pick them out, wash them and prepare them with no problem. It feels good to learn something new and useful, to expand my brain a little and to feel inspired to try new things. This week I am setting some higher goals. I have been running (on the treadmill) or going on the elliptical daily, but only for 15-30 minutes for the most part. My goal this week is to run 30-45 minutes. I have to ease into things because of my fibromyalgia, but I feel so much more energy now that I am exercising again. I also saw my doctor this week and discovered I had a ridiculously low vitamin D level. So, within the next two weeks I should start to feel even better as my levels rise to normal. So, cheers to feeling the happiness that I kept telling myself would come.

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