Saturday, February 21, 2009

Life Is Good

The past couple of weeks have brought some positive changes. I got to go to the auto show, which I always love, I had my carpets cleaned after all of my flooding issues, and I got to see two of my best friends on the same day. Sometimes it seems as though I have to be brought to my knees before I can be lifted up. I am never sure why it has to be that way, but it is a comfort in the worst of times to believe that things will get better.

Friday was a busy day. One of my best friends, Jenny, came to the 'ville for a visit and we got to just hang out and chat. Jenny is always a ray of sunshine, and yesterday was no exception. She brought me the most lovely bright pink measuring bowl with a spout. It is the perfect addition to my kitchen, which is slowly converting to lots of pink accents. Then, we went to the Chinese Kitchen for lunch, which has the best lunch for $6.00. It may be the Scot in me, or perhaps it is my midwestern nature, but food tastes better when it is a good deal. If you haven't been to the Chinese Kitchen for lunch, do it. Finally, we went to TJ Maxx in search of running shoes and a good winter hat, of which we found neither.

As if the day weren't fantastic enough, I had my other best friend, Michelle (aka Booger) stop by for dinner along with my brother, Adam, his girlfriend, Julie, and our friend, Matt. I made a Thai chicken soup as a practice for the class I am teaching Sunday morning. We played Catchphrase and Outburst Remix. I am always thrilled when I can get someone to play a board game with me. Life is Good.

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