Saturday, January 31, 2009


Ok, I lied. This weekend is going to suck. Last night my plumbing issue resurfaced and I am back to no working water until Monday, because Lord knows I can't afford to pay a plumber to work on Saturday or Sunday. I didn't think much could get me down but now I am just going to go with the flow (water pun intended) even though it's taking me down the drain. I was supposed to cook today and go out to the movies, and instead I get to clean up nasty water and probably eat something off of the $1 menu at McDonalds. Will someone just shoot me? Sorry to be negative but I kept trying to push past the crazy things of this week (can anyone say small house fire and a two year old with an Aleve stuck up her nose?) and the negative has pushed back and knocked me over. At least I am keeping my sense of humor about all of this.

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