Thursday, November 20, 2008

A message from Ivan

Ivan is a very dear longtime family friend. He sent me this email with a wonderful testament to the love of his life, Laura, and her twin sister, Michelle It is definitely worth checking out:

Here is a news segment that Laura and Michelle were interviewed for. For those of you who haven’t met them yet, Laura is my girlfriend and Michelle is her twin. They both have Ushers Syndrome which means that they were born deaf and are slowly losing their eyesight. For the longest time they were uncomfortable with letting people know about this condition in fear of being pitied or treated different, but recently they are willing to share this about themselves in the hope to help others. I am filled with pride that Laura is not letting this condition be the end of her life and ambition, I always say one of the reasons I fell in love with her is that she refuses to give up; she won’t allow herself to wallow in self-pity and say that her independence and life’s ambitions are gone to her. Instead she finds a way to work through all of the difficulties (some of you would include me as one of the difficulties J ) in her life and excels at whatever she puts her energy into. I truly think she is an example that will help someone get through their own personal difficulty and Laura may never even be aware of how she helped. Also I recommend picking up the book “my Maggie” that this news segment is about as it is a great story of love and overcoming life’s challenges, plus all the proceeds are donated to lighthouse for the blind and American cancer society.

Feel free to forward this email to anyone who you think would appreciate it.

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