Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A well manicured lawn

I know I have sort of fallen off of the radar for a little bit, but here I am again, ready to share entirely too many details of my life. I am dealing with Fall in stages and desperately wishing for cooler weather. I am very tired of sweating my way through the day and would love a little brisk wind to contend with. The house is slowly coming along, with my dad and Adam completing the drywall this week. Tomorrow was supposed to be a big painting day, however almost all of my painters bailed :-( The good news is that my dad in law, Julie, Booger and I will all be there. So, I figure any work done is better than nothing. It seems like Saturday nights are a proving ground that I have no social life. It isn't that I don't want one, it is that it is hard enough finding people to watch G for me when I am working without also asking them to give up their Saturday evening. Plus, honestly, I am so exhausted at night I think I wouldn't be able to stay out very late. So, I have put even thinking about that on hold and will dedicate my energy to my daughter, my job and my new home. Hopefully, I will live through another fall and winter in my own home making a space for myself, however humble.

My hope for this fall is to do the things Kevin and I loved to do - carve pumpkins, drive through leaves stacked on the side of the road, wander through a corn maze, and bake. I have always loved fall, but Kevin instilled an even deeper joy surrounding the whole time period. Plus, my absolute favorite pictures of Kevin are in the setting sun of fall, when his hair just lit up. Eventually, when I have my scanner back, I will post my favorite picture of him. We were flying kites in his backyard and he looked over at me with the most loving look. It was a beautiful moment etched in my memory forever.

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