Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter weekend just ended. It was a great weekend for us especially, because my in-laws and soon to be mother-in-law came down for their first visit. I know it has only been four weeks, but when you think about being apart from family it can feel like a lifetime. Gloria was totally hyped to show them around and the only bad part was that the weather has not cooperated. It has been stormy and rainy since late last week and it doesn't look like it will let up until this coming Thursday. Also, I have been fighting a nasty tooth infection since last Tuesday. Ray has been taking good care of me and we were still able to pull off our first Easter dinner together without a hitch.

I must say that having to say goodbye this morning was particularly difficult, both for Gloria and for me. I am a naturally emotional person and having a few days with my loved ones after a few weeks without made it much more difficult to say goodbye. Gloria was doing pretty well until the very last minute, and then she broke down. It is the one drawback to our new life. It is bittersweet in a way, because this is the first time in a long time that I have confidently been away from my hometown. I know that this is the right place for me for a lot of reasons, but I can't help a slight sense of panic when I think of truly rooting myself so far from where I was formed and the people who were so instrumental in forming me. I am lucky to have my Ray of Sunshine, my little Glory and Ray's sister, Jamie, who is quickly becoming one of my heroes.

A happy sidenote, one of our good friends, Valerie, was accepted into the Catholic church this weekend! What a unique and wonderful time to become officially in the fold!

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