Friday, March 27, 2009

All Shook Up

I have had a busy week with lots of ups and downs. Last weekend was full of wonderfulness - a night out with friends where I made Coq Au Vin and we went bowling, teaching my baking class, and going to visit my grandparents.

Before that I was hanging out with someone that I thought was a good person. When I tried to make it clear that I didn't want more from the relationship he got quite nasty with me. It doesn't matter how well I know someone or how much I care what they think of me, I still don't like getting yelled at (via email or otherwise). So, this person decided to tell me I am crazy and selfish and deserve to be alone. Perhaps it is true in some ways. It isn't like it never crossed my mind that I deserve to be alone. It really should mean nothing coming from someone who doesn't really know me and certainly doesn't care about me. Still, it shook me up for sure. Now I am battling with my own insecurities again, which I suppose was inevitable. I just want to crawl under a rock and go to sleep until Spring is really here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoever said that you are 'crazy, selfish and deserve to be alone' is being completely manipulative and childish. They are obviously projecting their own feelings about their own life upon yours. They are trying to make you feel bad so you pity them. Well, you should pity the person who said this to you because this person is completely miserable and deplorable.

You do not ‘deserve to be alone. ’ For anyone to suggest that you being alone is a punishment…. I laugh at them. Maybe it would suck for this person to be alone, but you are just fine both alone and in relationships with men.

This person is completely unfair and immature.

Furthermore, this chatty gentleman better hope that he never meets me because I will never let him forget how to properly treat other human beings, especially my good friends.