Saturday, January 17, 2009

In my life I have made a lot of good and bad decisions, but as I get older I find it is easier to admit when good decisions have gone bad. That being said I shall explain the saga of Boodles Pookerton. I have decided to give Boodles to my sister and her family. Although I had the best of intentions when getting mr boodles, it quickly seemed to spiral out of my realm of comfort. He was just being a puppy - however, I was obviously not equipped to deal with a puppy. So, truthfully, I feel great relief that he is with a family that wants him and loves him. He is already totally bonded with their dog, Ziggy. I am fairly certain that they will change his name. I know it is shocking that they wouldn't want to keep the name Boodles Pookerton. I should mention that Ziggy's full name is Zigglesferd Q. Cuddlesworth. So, God continues to keep me quite humble. Every time I start to think I am letting things get out of my control I am reminded that they weren't in my control to begin with. Amen!

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