Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's Raining Ants, Hallelujah!

Today was an amazing day. It started with a trip to Home Depot with my in-laws to purchase home supplies like sanding blocks, painters tape and garbage cans. These are all tasks that I never really thought about. Who knew that you could pay anything from $14 to $65 for a plastic "waste recepticle." It is always interesting to me how my father and mother in-law can make anything fun. My father in law walked through the whole place with me and asked my opinion on things, even though he knows that I don't really have a clue about these things.

After my hardware store trip I headed over to my new house to meet up with my dad. He was already hard at work patching and sanding my walls. He had also ordered a dumpster for me and had it delivered that morning. Next thing I know my appliances are arriving, my drywall guy shows up to measure, and Jenny-my-angel arrives with work clothes (and a swimsuit for later). Eventually my brother Adam came and we began the tedious task of tearing down the drywall in ceiling. When I say "we" I really mean my dad and Adam, with Jenny and I scurrying below to grab chunks and haul them to the dumpster. At one point Adam pulled a large chunk down and it started to rain ants. I screamed and everyone else sprung into action. They waged a feriocious war on the ants, hunting them down from under every hidden spot until the battlefield was covered with their dark little bodies. If I make it sound dramatic it's because it felt that way. I was mostly a wimp about it, staring in awe as Jenny grabbed a piece of drywall and jumped right in. My dad is still talking about it . . . he thinks Jenny is the greatest (which she is). Adam was a good sport as well, doing a lot of hard labor and the only one to suffer an injury (a nasty ant bite). Bobby arrived as well and helped to clear the wreckage. Oh, what a day.
The day ended on a high note with all of us jumping in the pool, grilling burgers and sweet corn, and discussing the triumph of the day. Jenny pointed out how supportive my family can be of each other, and it was good for me to appreciate how good it can be when Duncans get together. Jenny was already considered a Duncan, but now she has also secured a place in our folklore. My dad has been talking about her all day, telling me how glad he is that I have a friend like her. I must say, I do feel blessed. Does this sound corny? I do not care! I must make every blessing count in this life, and I intend to do it!

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