Friday, March 7, 2008

Pushing Up

Having been a major hermit for weeks on end, this weekend I went into a manic social state and managed to spend really good time with friends I haven't seen in so long. On the one hand, I felt like I had to be "out" and "doing things" to be with people, on the other hand I know that I was in a manic pose trying to be together and interesting and honest without actually breaking down. I am hoping that somehow I can help people be willing to sit with me when I break down. Instead of insanity, manic energy pushing me up and into the world for no reason. I am attempting to get myself to a better place, although right now the sadness does not seem to have an end in sight. I don't know how to see a happier life ahead, but I have to believe that it is possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here's a sonnnet

i believe that lovers should be chained together
thrown into the fire with their silly letters
and left to there to burn
left to burn there in their ignorance
and then
drilled three holes six times
then followed them with screws
then realized
that I mounted them all upside down
stripped a screw, ripped the head of out the wall
and left the end exposed in the wall
to taunt me forever
