Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My Little Princess

My fibromyalgia has been especially bad the past few days. I haven't had the strength to even cook myself something to eat. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow and just hope that he will take me seriously this time. Sometimes, it all just feels so hopeless.

Gloria has been especially sweet. Perhaps she understands in some way that I don't feel well, or perhaps she is just a good little girl. She loves to sit and read books with me or play in her little pink kitchen. I feel so guilty that I am not a more active mother. It makes me feel so sad when I can't pick her up or play with her. Lately, she has taken to playing hide and seek upstairs with me. She likes to run quickly and find a little corner that only she can fit into. Usually, I either see where she goes or her giggle gives her away. It is really cute when I hear her little voice from my closet or behind the bathroom door. I just hope that I can get all of this physical stuff under better control! It is wearing on the body and soul to feel so painful all of the time.

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