Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Here are some cute pictures that I came across. It is hard to believe how much Gloria has changed and grown!
Tonight, as I sit in my bedroom praying for Gloria to fall asleep, I am once again reminded of Kevin. For all of the times I wish he was around to help me, I know he would have been no help in this department. Kevin's sleeping abilities are legendary; the man could fall asleep anytime and anywhere. This included doctor's offices, trains, the chair in the family room during a loud family gathering, and through an earthquake. In fact, right after Gloria was born Kevin spent every night with me in the hospital. One night Gloria was screaming and the medical equiptment was beeping and the nurses were bustling around trying to get everything done and Kevin stayed sound asleep. One of the nurses looked at him, then at me, and said, "Well that isn't good!" There were several occasions when I woke Kevin up in the middle of the night because he was snoring, or the cat got into a plastic bag, or the infamous time some guy was outside our window yelling "Oh yeah!" like the Kool-Aid guy. He would wake up and help solve the problem, then be back asleep in seconds. The next morning, he would have no memory of the event. I have to take a potent prescription sleeping medication to get the same effect. So, as Gloria flails and fusses I am totally exhausted by her, yet I am comforted by the idea that it would be the same if Kevin were here. In my life where everything is changed because of Kevin's death, there is one moment that I feel would be the same. So, I take what I can.